Chem Arrow
Innovative solutions to complex metalworking issues

Innovative solutions for metalworking issues: fluids, lubricants, and specialty chemical products.

With over 40 years of experience in formulation, research and production, Chem Arrow is dedicated to technological innovation and the development of superior metalworking fluids.
Our portfolio includes:
- Metalworking fluids
- Industrial lubricants
- Specialized cleaning products
- Processing fluids in the HVAC industry
Chem Arrow is committed to providing customers with advanced technology in the formulation of fast supply products and customized services.
Benefits of
Performance Lubricants
Recomandations, solution of problems, elaboration of plans and regular monitoring
Sampling and analysis within an authorized laboratory
Warehousing and
Increased flexibility in terms of logistics and stock
Order taking, after sales support services
We provide full support in choosing specialty chemicals.
We are with our customers throughout the development testing, production, maintenance and after market services.